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17.03.2021 Заработ0

Как зарабатывать деньги на Android-играх / Хабр

Games that pay real cash through paypal freeИзвиняюсь за заголовок в стиле «for Dummies», но это именно то, о чем я хочу сегодня поговорить — о монетизации. В двух словах о себе: занимаюсь инди-геймдевом с 2010 года, на данный момент у меня около десятка изданных игр на Play Store с общим количеством загрузок чуть-чуть не дотягивающим до 20 млн. Я не люблю распространяться о финансовой стороне, но понимаю что в теме о деньгах, без этого никак. На КДПВ вы можете видеть мою статистику за несколько последних дней (на момент написания статьи). В общем, бывало хуже, но бывало и лучше! Цифры не из тех, что поражают воображение, но, согласитесь, довольно неплохие. Особенно, учитывая что я всего лишь любитель, клепающий игры по вечерам.

В этом топике, я попробую поделиться выводами и наработками, которые сделал за это время. На всякий случай disclaimer: мое мнение не претендует на истину и основано лишь на моем субъективном опыте. Я всегда готов поучиться у более опытных коллег, так что если я в чем-то ошибаюсь — прошу в комменты. И второе: это взгляд на геймдев с точки зрения бизнеса, если вы не разработчик, вам может не понравиться то что я скажу.

Давайте сразу расставим все точки над «i». Я не открою вам тайны философского камня, у меня нет алгоритма как сделать то-то и то-то, чтобы заработать N долларов. Пробуйте, экспериментируйте, учитесь продвигать свои игры (это крайне важно), следите за трендами! Я не буду рассказывать как сделать популярную игру, я этого не знаю. Во многом, здесь можно полагаться только на удачу, но при должном упорстве, удача обязательно улыбнется! А вот когда это случится, важно максимально полно использовать момент, о чем я и расскажу далее. Единственное, что я хотел бы выделить здесь: реально оценивайте свои силы. Если видите, что реализация какой-то идеи займет сильно больше месяца работы — это сигнал подумать еще. Как это называется, «lazy startup»? Это очень хороший подход и по отношению к разработке игр. Быстро реализуем, быстро запускаем, а если удалось нащупать что-то интересное — развиваем. Вот так, например, моя идея тира с реалистичной стрельбой, вылилась в целую трилогию Shooting Club-ов.
Забудьте о том чтобы сделать платное приложение без «этой надоедливой рекламы» и заработать миллионы, продавая его на Google Play! Это худший способ монетизации из возможных. Я не говорю, что это не реально, даже у правил бывают исключения, но надеяться стать таким исключением — не лучший вариант, правда! На своем опыте, могу сказать, что продажи не превышают 10-20% от рекламных доходов, даже с учетом внутриигровых продаж, которые идут гораздо легче. Не стоит ориентироваться на Top Grossing, оккупированный free-to-play играми. У нас с ними совершенно разные весовые категории, бюджеты, возможности и так далее. Если монетизация с помощью внутриигровых продаж отлично работает для какого-нибудь гиганта, типа «Clash of Clans» — это не означает, что и для нашей небольшой инди-игры такая стратегия будет наилучшей. Поэтому продажи внутриигровых товаров или премиум-версии игры следует рассматривать только как источник дополнительного дохода, не более. Хотя, это несомненно нужно и полезно для максимизации общей прибыли. Для нас, одиночек и небольших команд, реклама — это все! Я остановлюсь на этом подробнее, а пока, еще пару слов об «инаппах».
Время «99 центов» прошло! Посмотрите на магазин того же «Dungeon Keeper», здесь цены начинаются от 5$. Конечно, его не ругал только ленивый, но тем не менее, эта игра очень хорошо показывает текущие тенденции на рынке.

Вот еще пример из жизни: в моем «Shooting Club 3» можно купить премиум-оружие за реальные деньги. Думаете никто не купит золотой Desert Eagle за 20 баксов в средненькой, не супер популярной игре? Отнюдь! Да, таких покупок немного, но они есть. Я не призываю задрать все цены до каких-то космических высот, недорогие товары тоже нужны, но если игрок хочет потратить относительно большую сумму в игре, мы просто обязаны ему такую возможность предоставить! Тем более, нам это ничего не стоит.

Я пробовал работать с разными рекламными сетями: Chartboost, Tapjoy, InMobi, множеством других более мелких, названия которых я сейчас и не вспомню. И вот что я вам скажу: ни одна из них не тянет на конкурента Google AdMob. Сейчас у меня только 2 источника дохода, реклама от AdMob и внутриигровые продажи, ну плюс продажи «Shooting Club 2: GOLD» (они не значительны). Вы можете совмещать в игре несколько видов рекламы или использовать «medeation» (показывать рекламу из другого источника, когда по основному не оказалось наполнения), это разумно если хотите выжать немного дополнительного дохода, не спорю. Я для себя решил, что оно не стоит возни с валютным контролем (у меня все официально), а с Google отношения уже оформились и более-менее устаканились. Так же, важно уметь соблюсти границы, после которых, слишком агрессивная монетизация начинает работать против вас.
Сейчас, с переходом на новую платформу (реклама стала частью сервисов Google Play), AdMob открыл возможность использовать межстраничные объявления (Interstitial) для всех разработчиков. Раньше, такую привилегию можно было получить только по персональному приглашению. Что это такое? Попросту говоря, это полноэкранный баннер. Но в отличие от обычного, генерируемая прибыль, здесь совершенно на другом уровне! Давайте посмотрим на ключевые показатели (на основе моей статистики, понятно, что для разных игр они будут отличаться).

eCPM (доход на тысячу показов баннера, effective cost-per-thousand impressions) для Interstitial в среднем от 3 до 8 долларов, для обычных баннеров — менее 50 центов. Чувствуете разницу? А все почему? Потому что CTR (отношение числа кликов к числу показов, click-through rate), то есть кликабельность, для межстраничной рекламы может достигать 7 или даже 8%, в то время как для баннера, этот показатель будет на уровне 1% (в лучшем случае). Кроме того, плата за один клик здесь выше, насколько я могу судить. И даже если у вас получится добиться такого CTR для стандартного баннера, тут появляется неиллюзорная вероятность схлопотать бан за использование нелегальных оптимизаций (таких как размещение баннеров рядом с элементами управления и т.п.). А для Interstitial никаких особых правил на данный момент не существует. В своих последних играх, я полностью отказался от баннеров и перешел на показ только межстраничных объявлений. Плюс, здесь еще в том, что такая монетизация не требует планирования, выделения специальных мест под баннеры, из-за которых иногда приходится жертвовать удобством интерфейса для игрока.

Вот, собственно, и все! Я постарался не писать в этом топике совсем уж очевидных вещей, о которых итак написано много. Надеюсь, вам будет полезна вся эта моя графомания, надеюсь увидеть в будущем, больше мотивирующих success story на Хабре. Я же, стараюсь расти над собой, пилю очередной тир (да-да), который будет на голову выше всех моих предыдущих поделок и продолжаю мечтать сорвать по настоящему большой куш. Чего и вам желаю! Пользуясь случаем, скриншот из альфа-версии:

Лучшие игры для Андроид с выводом реальных денег

Вы узнаете все о заработке на Android-играх с возможностью вывода реальных денег. Мы расскажем, как заработать без вложений, чем рискуют начинающие игроки и как минимизировать эти риски.

Мобильные устройства все чаще используются для входа в интернет. Смартфоны и планшеты вытесняют обычные компьютеры. Статистика популярных сайтов говорит о том, что большая часть входного трафика – мобильная, а 25% от пользователей Рунета используют только мобильные устройства.

На смену компьютерным играм приходят мобильные приложения. Их популярность только растет.

  • увеличивается производительность мобильных телефонов и планшетов – они поддерживают «тяжелые» приложения;
  • удобство – нет привязки к одному месту;
  • играть можно где угодно – дома, на работе, в школе, в дороге;
  • возможность использовать мобильный интернет для онлайн-игр.

Среди интернет-пользователей увеличивается интерес к андроид-играм с выводом реальных средств.

Все, что нужно знать об этом виде заработка, вы найдете в нашей статье.

  1. ТОП-3 игры на Андроид с выводом реальных денег
  2. Игры на Андроид с выводом денег — обман или возможность для реального заработка

Игровые автоматы на Андроид с выводом денег

Операционная система Андроид поддерживает практически все игровые автоматы на реальные деньги. Владельцы смартфонов могут играть с выводом в любимые аппараты в любом месте. Для этого игорные заведения все чаще переносят их на Андроид.

Клубы с выводом денег для Андроид

Преимущества автоматов на Android

Онлайн автоматы всегда пользовались популярностью среди азартных игроков. Сейчас любой желающий может поиграть в них на реальные деньги с выводом на карту или другим способом на своем смартфоне. Современные аппараты выпускаются на различные ОС, в том числе и для Андроид. Игровые автоматы для Android отличаются своим удобством и наличием всех необходимых функций. Это не просто игры для развлечения, а полноценный способ для заработка и вывода реальных денег.

Где скачать автоматы на деньги?

Скачать онлайн аппараты для Андроид можно во многих популярных клубах. Большой выбор удовлетворит любого желающего испытать удачу. Выбрать свой аппарат иногда очень сложно. Выбирая автоматы 777 на деньги никогда не прогадаешь. Главным критерием при этом должна быть безопасность вашего денежного счета и надежность заведения.

Получить доступ к любимым автоматам можно не только с сайта. У игроков также есть возможность скачать официальные приложения. Они потребляют минимальное количество трафика. При этом в них можно делать реальные ставки и выводить деньги.

Как пополнить автомат на Андроид?

Внести средства для онлайн игры на смартфоне можно многими способами. Наиболее популярными сегодня являются следующие платежные сервисы:

  • Webmoney;
  • QIWI;
  • Яндекс Деньги;
  • Банковская карта.

Перед регистрацией ознакомьтесь с возможными способами ввода и вывода денег. В будущем это поможет вам получать призы максимально быстро. Убедитесь, что платежная система, которую вы используете, присутствует в списке опций для вывода. Игровые автоматы с хорошей репутацией дают возможность совершать переводы операции при помощи банковских карт и платежных систем. И все эти операции доступны прямо на смартфоне. Благодаря ОС Андроид вы всегда будете иметь под рукой любимый игровой автомат, который помимо приятного времяпрепровождения принесет вам солидные денежные призы.

ТОП-6: Игры за которые платят деньги без вложений (1000 р/д)У этого поста1 комментарий

Когда людям говорят об играх, которые позволяют зарабатывать реальные деньги, большинству на ум приходят разного рода казино, рулетки и игровые автоматы, по факту являющиеся способами легкого отъема личных сбережений у доверчивых граждан. Но их наличие еще не говорит о том, что на играх заработать нельзя – существуют так называемые экономические симуляторы, доступные прямо из браузера, а заработок на играх с их помощью является стабильным и высоким. Игры за которые платят деньги – вот о чем будет сегодняшняя статья. Обязательно проверьте сколько Вы сможете зарабатывать в интернете, используя разные способы. Очень интересно:

Игры за которые платят деньги: в чем их суть и кому это надо

По факту браузерные игры для заработка денег являются инвестиционными проектами высокой доходности, позволяющими вкладчикам размещать собственные средства под солидные проценты, во много раз превышающие стандартную банковскую ставку. Обычно единственное, что требуется от пользователя – это выбрать подходящий инвестиционный план и время от времени обменивать внутреннюю валюту на реальные деньги, выводя заработанное на кошельки в электронных платежных системах.

Большинство игр за которые нам платят деньги на карту без вложений, кстати, поддерживают способы заработка без вложений, поэтому инвестировать туда свои сбережения совсем не обязательно (хоть и желательно, ведь вклад позволит начать получать прибыль здесь и сейчас). У экономических симуляторов и стратегий существуют выгодные многоуровневые реферальные программы, системы бонусов и поощрений, с помощью которых можно накопить нужную для инвестиций сумму на внутреннем счету или же сразу заказать вывод средств на свои реквизиты.

Просто угадай на Binarium куда пойдет курс Вверх или Вниз. Сделай правильный прогноз и получи до 90% чистой прибыли от ставки. Можно потренироваться на бесплатном демонстрационном счете.

Если вам все эти преимущества показались заманчивыми, обязательно ознакомьтесь с опубликованным ниже списком наиболее популярных игр за которые платят деньги без обмана, при помощи которых начали зарабатывать тысячи геймеров/инвесторов.

Astella Money: игра в которой платят деньги

Astella Money – это фентезийная игра, где геймеры могут выбрать себе одного или нескольких героев (тут их называют Астеллы). Их нужно отправить на добычу полезных ресурсов, которые потом конвертируются во вполне осязаемые деньги. Тарифных планов в проекте нас

5 способов заработка на Андроид играх и приложениях

Часто пользователи андроид устройств находятся в поиске дополнительного заработка. Особенно привлекает в этом плане возможности глобальной информационной сети. Интернет стал двигателем прогресса в плане понимания своих целей, внедрения и использования на практике многих проектов в их достижении. Тенденция взаимосвязи стабильного получения дохода с наличием современных гаджетов только растёт.

Итак, о каких возможностях заработка на Андроиде можно говорить в 2016 году.

Зарабатывать сегодня можно на:

  1. Электронных играх, которые запускаются на ОС Андроид – это современные модели планшетов и смартфонов;
  2. Сторонних приложениях, выполняя задания по просмотру рекламы, составлении отзывов и тд.;
  3. Собственном приложении, разработанном для андроид телефонов.

Оказывается, что получение денег можно совмещать с получение удовольствия. Работой называется увлекательное тестирование многих игровых продуктов, приложений, просмотром забавной рекламы и выполнения простых заданий. Какими конкретными могут быть шаги на пути к достойному заработку? К таковым можно отнести следующие предложения разработчиков новых проектов, внедряемых в онлайн среду:

  1. Установка программных приложений для Андроид на устройство пользователя;
  2. Всестороння оценка приложений в Android-Маркете;
  3. Поиск возможных ошибок, которые могут выдавать новые приложения;
  4. Поиск достоинств и комментирование особенностей приложений.
  5. Разработка игр под Андроид гаджеты.

В зависимости от выбранного способа заработка денег зависит и доход получаемый при заработке. Таким образом получение реальных денег с андроида может подойти школьникам, студентам с начальным уровнем знаний для подработки или для подростков и выпускников вузов со специализированными знаниями.

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Because there is an earning potential in the venture, it is worth your time. 9000390002 Let’s get started! 9000390002 Do the players earn real cash? 9000390002 Yes, they do! 9000390002 The number of companies willing to give away money while playing games is endless.Do you know what the best thing is? They are FREE! 9000390002 No need to spend anything, just play and win. 9000390002 Most companies pay you via PayPal. If you do not have one, make a PayPal account because there are some who have already made 90015 90007 100 to 2000 dollars a day with PayPal. 90008 90018 9000390006 90007 Here are the 40 different games that pay you real cash: 90008 9000990042 90002 90015 90007 Play easy money games from different online sites 90008 90018 9000390002 90015 90007 Making money can now be so much fun when you can take the help of online gaming sites without downloading an app on your smartphone.90008 90018 90003 9005590056 90007 Explore the below-mentioned sites that you can play in return to cash: 90008 9005990060 90007 1. WEALTH WORDS 90008 9006390064 Source: Google Images90002 Love playing brain games like trivia, scrabble or word games? If so, you will fall in love with this money making game as it pays you real rewards if you are smart enough. 9000390002 This 90015 90007 online crossword game 90008 90018 is undoubtedly the best play and earns real money game on the internet today.9000390002 Wondering what makes this game way more different than others? Unlike the ancient crosswords that were paperback accessible, this game is available online. 9000390002 Put your knowledge to use as you play this easy money game. Anyone above the age of 18 can play the game anytime. The anywhere, anytime convenience offered by the game makes it more popular among the players who are given the opportunity to win up to $ 3000.. 9000390060 90007 2. PlayAndWin 90008 9006390081 Source: Google Images90002 90015 90007 90008 90018 is Britain’s best gaming website offering free games and giving you a chance to 90015 90007 win real money prizes 90008 90018. Play games like Yatzy, Ludo, Mahjong 3, Pow and more. You can also take part in the tournament and have a lot of fun. 9000390060 90007 3. Paid Game Player 90008 9006390096 Source: Google Images90002 Get free money now with 90015 90007 Paid Game Player 90008 90018. It is similar to Swagbucks. There are 600 games you can choose from. The game claims to reward $ 250000 in cash to their members.9000390002 Note: Besides this, the site allows you to compete with other users to earn more money by reviewing online game, trying brand name products, referring friends and completing surveys. 9000390002 There are two different membership. Play limited games for a free or premium membership. Once you get the premium member, you get the complete game version and 2x bonus multiplier. You also receive тисячі points when you sign up for the premium version. 9000390060 90007 4. Bingo4Money 90008 9006390111 Source: Google Images90002 This amazing games giveaway extra cash and jackpots on playing Bingo games.There are approximately 300 games available so you can choose as per your preference. The best thing is you get $ 25 when you sign up. 9000390060 90007 5. Corporation Master 90008 9006390118 Source: Google Images90002 The real money virtual economy game. The money earned in the game be converted into real cash. Corporation master tests your managerial and business skills. Virtual currency is earned by doing this like starting a company, become an investor and by working every day. 9000390060 90007 6.Cash Dazzle 90008 9006390125 Source: Google Images90002 This site also offers a huge plethora of games. 9000390002 Play free games to earn tokens that can be withdrawn once you win. The prizes are plenty. More you play, the more chances of winning. 9000390002 The ‘Spin the Wheel’ game allows you to win a jackpot. The cash amount keeps on increasing until someone wins. 9000390060 90007 7. Slingo 90008 9006390136 Source: Google Images90002 Slingo is a free to play, 90015 90007 online money gaming 90008 90018 site that gives you real cash.As it offers free membership across the glove so you can compete with people everywhere. 9000390002 Most tournaments are one hour long, costing approx. 5000 coins. The player with the top score and the one with the best cumulative score wins the jackpot. 9000390060 90007 8. XY Gaming 90008 9006390149 Source: Google Images90002 90015 90007 XY games 90008 90018 let you use the games already present on your console, but you have to challenge other players. Winning a tournament allows you to win a huge cash reward.They choose the winner either at the end of the week or month. 9000390060 90007 9. Quick rewards 90008 9006390160 Source: Google Images90002 This one is a multi-faceted option that helps you earn more rewards. You can either play games or perform different tasks like watching videos, taking surveys, visiting sites, shopping and completing offers. 9000390060 90007 10. World Winner 90008 9006390002 90168 9000390002 90015 90007 World Winner 90008 90018 allows you to play for cash.Go for different tournaments like the casino, arcade, game shows, and other word games. You will be glad to know that the winner award is up to $ 500,000 every day in the tournament games. 9000390060 90007 11. Gamezop 90008 9006390180 Source: Google Images90002 Are you looking for a fun way to kill time? This is the best place for you to get entertained. It requires no download, so you do not need to free any space. The money won can be withdrawn by Paytm. 9000390060 90007 12. Skill4Win 90008 9006390187 Source: Google Images90002 Allows players a platform to play games for cash.It has the most popular pocket billiard game 8 balls. The real cash element adds so much more fun as well as the competitiveness into the game. 9000390060 90007 13. Primeslots 90008 9006390194 Source: Google Images90002 The is all about play and win. They have more than 150 spinning games having amazing graphics and plenty of features. Players can win ultimate € 1,000,000 Prime Slots Jackpot! You never know when you may turn lucky. 9000390060 90007 14. Swoo 90008 9006390201 Source: Google Images90002 Win cash prizes as you choose any game and play it.Having 6 unique live games and 20 daily games, the site allows the player to compete with other players. Trivia, Bingo, Candy Krack and some of the popular games. 9000390060 90007 15. FreeLotto 90008 9006390208 Source: Google Images90002 Are you a lotto lover but do not have enough time to go buy tickets from the store? 9000390002 With this amazing online game for real money gives you a plethora of options. There is no need to leave the place and pay for tickets. You can play the lottery for free and give rewards like cash, vehicles or cash to pay the mortgage.9000390060 90007 16. PCH games 90008 9006390217 Source: Google Images90002 PCH games allow the player to win tokens. There are approximately $ 1.000 daily cash prize available. 9000390060 90007 17. Freeslots4you 90008 9006390224 Source: Google Images90002 Free online slots can be played at FreeSolots4U. More than 85 free slots are available. 9000390002 Every month you can win prizes inclusive of cash, iPad and Kindle Fire tablets. 9000390060 90007 18. Gameloot 90008 9006390233 Source: Google Images90002 Earn money by playing games without investment.In this, you get plenty of mobile games, starting from trivia to action-packed game. Participate in tournaments and win a cash amount. 9000390060 90007 19. Bingo Zone 90008 9006390240 Source: Google Images90002 Who does not know how to play Bingo? And who does not love playing it? 9000390002 Playing Bingo online is as good as playing in person. 9000390002 Here you can play different games with virtual friends and keep things interesting. 9000390002 Play and win cash without investment.9000390002 You will love one thing, you know what? All of them are free to play! 9000390002 Players are allowed to level up the game for money. 9000390006 90007 Besides this, game lovers can also try other cash games by testing them and trying hands on the gaming app. 90008 9000990060 90007 90015 Free chances to win money by testing the game 90018 90008 9006390002 You can not only win real cash by playing games competing and winning. 9000390002 Another great method is to test the game for money.As a tester, you should be able to give feedback and examine a few other things. 9000390002 You have to thoroughly determine the game and look for bugs if any in the game. 9000390006 90007 Here is the list of a few companies that pay you to test games for money: 90008 9000990060 90007 20. Erli Bird 90008 9006390277 Source: Google Images90002 Give feedback on newly launched apps, websites and earn money. Get at least $ 10 per test. You get paid after a week and that too via PayPal.9000390002 If you want to earn money via Erli Bird, you should have a good command over English Language and be at least above 18. 9000390002 The site gives you five opportunities every month to earn money. 9000390060 90007 21. Playtest Cloud 90008 9006390288 Source: Google Images90002 This platform offers a remote game tester job when you can get paid from home. 9000390002 Games that have to be tested are mailed on the given email id. Examine what more features can be added or removed and you will get paid via PayPal.9000390002 How much time will it take? Hardly 15 minutes. And you get approx. $ 9. 9000390060 90007 22. Monster 90008 9006390299 Source: Google Images90002 The well-known job listing website features plenty of game tester jobs from different companies. 9000390002 Enter the search term-game tester in the search bar, and you can then browse the listing from the sections that appear. 9000390060 90007 23. Nintendo 90008 9006390308 Source: Google Images90002 Nintendo is known to produce some of the most super-fun games like Mario, Zelda and Donkey Kong.9000390002 You can now earn more money by playing Nintendo games. When you become a game tester, all you have to do is test development software, examine products for content guidelines, document quality assurance checks and look for programming issues. 9000390060 90007 24. Rockstar games 90008 9006390317 Source: Google Images90002 They are the best selling games across the globe. Games like the Grand Theft Auto series and the Red Dead Redemption series were the production of these games.9000390002 So you get money when you test the game. Testers ensure whether the games are working properly and are of high-quality. 9000390056 90007 Earn money by playing games on Android and iOS devices 90008 9005990002 There are plenty of ways to potentially win money with the help of money game apps. It is genuinely possible for anyone to play games and earn money. Let’s go through the top apps that offer cash for your time. 9000390060 90007 25. Tap Cash Rewards 90008 9006390332 Source: Google Images90002 This fantastic Android app allows you to earn gift cards and cash for downloading and installing games that are latest.Not only this, you can win money when you complete a different task, watch videos and more. 9000390002 Go ahead and earn enough credit to redeem from Amazon, Google Pay or withdraw cash through PayPal. 9000390060 90007 26. Real Money Pool App 90008 9006390341 Source: Google Images90002 With the 8-ball and 9-ball pool, you can make money playing games. You can also participate in paid games and tournaments and earn cash rewards. 9000390002 You have to deposit an initial fee for paid games.If you win the watch, you earn cash. If you somehow lose, all the deposited amount will be lost. 9000390060 90007 27. Ozone play 90008 9006390350 Source: Google Images90002 The new online gaming network offers cash rewards to the players. This mobile app can be downloaded on the smartphone. You get to play the best of free games with the help of these apps. 9000390002 However, there is a fee for cash competitions. The minimum tournament entry amount is $ 0.25 and this can lead you t I win $ 1000. cash reward.9000390060 90007 28. Long game 90008 9006390359 Source: Google Images90002 Long Game makes finances by offering you coins so that you can happily play mini-games when you have money in your FDIC insured savings account. Get rewarded for saving coins and also earn bonus coins when you reach up to the financial goal. 9000390060 90007 29. CashPirate 90008 9006390366 Source: Google Images90002 The popular smartphone app helps you to fatten your wallet as you download free game apps.You earn 500 free coins as soon as you enter the referral code XZQBIU on registration. 9000390060 90007 30. Lucktastic 90008 9006390373 Source: Google Images90002 This scratch card game can be downloaded on both iOS and Android devices. 9000390002 You can refer to your friends, take part in different contests and scratch card to win money. 9000390002 Cash can be withdrawn with Dwolla or can opt for Visa or Amazon gift card. 9000390060 90007 31. Mypoints 90008 9006390384 Source: Google Images90002 This one is considered as one of the longest standing small task sites in the industry.You get money when you play game, shop online, watch videos and complete surveys. 9000390002 Available both on Android and iOS, you get $ 10 bonus when you earn your first $ 20 in prizes. 9000390060 90007 32. PointClub 90008 9006390393 Source: Google Images90002 One of the best survey sites gives you money to play free games as well. It has mini-games the most. You get a $ 5 bonus for registration as a new user. 9000390060 90007 33. HQ 90008 9006390400 Source: Google Images90002 Are you confident about your trivia knowledge? If so, go ahead by giving HQ a try.This fast-paced game allows you to compete and win prizes. Players have to answer multiple choice questions within 10 seconds. 9000390060 90007 34. Lucky Day 90008 9006390407 Source: Google Images90002 Want to try gambling? Try your hands on Lucky Day app that brings the joy of casino. You can choose from a variety of casino games like raffles, scratch-off and more. There is a daily drawing for $ 100,00. 9000390060 90007 35. Big Time Cash 90008 9006390414 Source: Google Images90002 Having more than 600 games, this amazing app has something for everyone.Every game allows you to collect tickets. Use them and enter the frequent cash prize drawings. The more tickets you put, the better chance of winning. (The game is available in PlayStore and iTunes) 9000390060 90007 36. Blast 90008 9006390421 Source: Google Images90002 The app allows the player to save, earn and win cash for playing games. Start by connecting the app with the help of checking the account and transfer to small sums so as to save in the account. You get experience points within the app as you complete a mission and the dollar you save.9000390060 90007 37. GameBlitz 90008 9006390428 Source: Google Images90002 This free game is sure to make you rich. 9000390002 There is a long list of casual games many of you already love engaging in. Become a part of different tournaments and win real money. Score more and earn more. 9000390060 90007 38. Best Review App 90008 9006390437 Source: Google Images90002 You get money when you review the apps. 9000390002 The player has to describe in 90003.90000 5 Real Money Earning Games For android To Full Your Pocket 9000190002 Want to earn real money by playing games on your smartphone? Then stay tuned. 9000390002 In today’s article, I’m going to list out some real money earning games for Android that can bring you some bucks right in your wallet. 9000390002 So without further due let’s get started … 9000390008 90009 A few ways to earn money playing games online 90010 900119001290013 4RABET 9001490013 PlaytestCloud 9001490013 WHAFF 9001490013 Big Time (Use invitation code to earn a bonus: IYKXE) 9001490013 Bulb Smash (http: // 9001490013 Boomerang 9001490013 9001490013 PIVOT 9001490013 Lucky Day 9001490013 World Winner 9001490013 PUBG 900149003590036 90037 0. 4RABET 90038 90039.90000 Playing Games on Android can help you earn real money 9000190002 Menu90003 90003 90002 Search 90006 90007 90002 Menu 90009 90007 Home 90009 90007 Skill Games 90009 90007 Luck Games 90009 90007 Lotto 90009 90007 Earn Money 90009 90007 Contact 90009 90007 90002 Search 90009 90025 9002690002Search for:90002 Search 9002990002 90003 90003 90006 90007 Home 90009 90007 Skill Games 90009 90007 Luck Games 90009 90007 Lotto 90009 90007 Earn Money 90009 90007 Contact 90009 90025 90006 90007 Home 90009 90007 Skill Games 90009 90007 Luck Games 90009 90007 Lotto 90009 90007 Earn Money 90009 90007 Contact 90009 90025 90061 Editors Picks 90062 90006 9000790065 90065What to Do With Your Money If You Win the Lottery? 90006 90007 90069 October 10, 2019 90070 90009 90025 90009 9000790075 90075Roulette game tricks in Real Casino 90006 90007 90079 October 9, 2019 90070 90009 90025 90009 9000790009 90025.90000 Best game apps to win real money 9000190002(Credit: ViDi Studio, Shutterstock / ViDi Studio)90003 There are plenty of ways to potentially win real money. If you’re cunning and physically fit, you could bag bank on «Survivor,» «The Amazing Race,» or «Big Brother.» If you’re a creative, you could sing the winning number on «American Idol,» dance that triumphant tango on «So You Think You Can Dance,» or construct that prize outfit on «Project Runway.»If you’re full of knowledge, you could crush on» Jeopardy !, «» Wheel of Fortune, «or» Family Feud. «9000490003 90006 SEE: Best trivia games and quiz games like HQ Trivia 90007 90004 90003 You could also compete in a major poker tournament, enter a Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes, or answer one of those emails where a loaded foreign dignitary is dying and wants to leave you their entire inheritance if you just provide your bank account info and social security number — ok, maybe not that one… 90004 90003 But if you’re looking for a more realistic way to win cold hard cash, check out our picks for the best game apps to win real money. 90004 90013 1. Lucky Day 90014 90003 Free app Lucky Day (Android, iOS) gives users the chance to win up to $ 10,000 by matching three winning symbols on instant win scratch cards, up to $ 100,000 in a jackpot, or several other denominations via hundreds of free scratcher, lotto, and raffle games — each day. 90004 90017 90013 2. Lottery — Play the Powerball 90014 90003 The Lottery — Play the Powerball (Android, iOS) app enables users to play the Powerball and Mega Millions in select states and scan and track physical lottery tickets — without paying a penny.You’ll also get alerted when the jackpot is high, so you’ll remember to play. 90004 90003 To start, create an account, verify your age, and add a payment method, and then get all that you win delivered directly to your bank account. 90004 90024 90013 3. SpinToWin Slots & Sweepstakes 90014 90003 SpinToWin Slots & Sweepstakes (Android, iOS) offers tap-to-spin Vegas-style casino games for fun and excitement and scratch cards and sweepstakes for winning big — up to $ 10,000. 90004 90003 The game is free to play, but if you go premium, you can pay $ 2.99 per month, $ 4.99 per quarter, or $ 17.99 per year to lose the ads when playing SpinToWin Slots. Or subscribe to the VIP-level subscription for $ 3.99 per month, $ 9.99 per quarter, or $ 34.99 per year for ad-less slot-playing and expedited Mega Bonus resets. 90004 90031 90013 4. HQ Trivia 90014 90003 What’s the hottest trivia game for iOS and Android? One offering fun trivia questions and answers for adults? Not easy trivia per se, but multiple choice trivia questions that if answered correctly, reap big winnings? Live trivia game show HQ Trivia (Android, iOS) is the trivia app that pays, with winnings in the thousands.Devised by Vine’s creators and hosted by quizmaster Scott Rogowsky, the live game show on your phone, played daily, has become a pop culture phenomenon and even attracted special guest celeb hosts like The Rock, Robert De Niro, Ice Cube, and Alicia Silverstone. 90004 90036 90013 5. Perk Pop Quiz 90014 90003 Are you an expert on popular shows like «Big Bang Theory,» «Game of Thrones,» and «Walking Dead»? Can you quickly identify movie quotes and song lyrics? Do you know all the state capitals? Are you a wiz at unscrambling words? Then Perk Pop Quiz (Android, iOS) is the game for you.90004 90003 While you can not actually win real money from the app, you can earn real gift cards from, Starbucks, Nike, GameStop, Target, and hundreds of other brands, if you accumulate enough points. And there are sites where you can sell those gift cards for cold hard cash. 90004 90043 90013 6. SwagIQ 90014 90003 Like HQ Trivia, free app SwagIQ (Android, iOS) is another live trivia game show played on your phone where you use your wits to win gift cards or huge cash prizes payable in PayPal cash.90004 90048 90013 7. Grand 90014 90003 Grand: Save Money & Win (iOS) rewards users for saving money by turning it into a money-earning lottery game you’ll surely want to play. Just link your checking account to the bank-level encrypted app and automate transfers from your checking account each week or just when you want to to a savings account that enables you to earn 1 percent. But every time you add more money to your savings account, you’re entered to win a weekly drawing, each Friday at 11 a.m. PT. If you’re one of the lucky winners, your winnings — up to $ 1,000 — are transferred directly to your account. Grand can hold onto your savings or invest it in an investment account or retirement funds. Grand is free to try for the first month and then costs $ 2 a month. 90004 90053 90013 8. Long Game Savings 90014 90003 Long Game Savings (Android, iOS) helps you reach your financial goals by winning cold hard cash. Create an account in the app, link your bank, deposit money securely into a Long Game Savings Account, achieve missions to reach financial goals, and win coins to play fun games to win up to $ 1 million in cash prizes or even cryptocurrency.Sock it away and earn interest or withdraw it. You’ll get 300 free bonus coins just for joining. 90004 90058 90003 90006 FOLLOW on Twitter for all the latest app news. 90007 90004 90013 Also see 90014.

The best game apps that pay instantly to PayPal include platforms making gamers up to $10,000+ for just a few minutes of fun playtime.

Generally, though, game apps that pay you real money can’t replace your regular hustle. That said, these cash games help in supplementing your income and when combined with other easy online money-making ideas, the overall payoff can be huge.

Whether it’s when taking breaks in the office or being active in it for the money, there are many games to choose from. From arcades and slots to strategy and survival games, there is an app to suit your preference.

What’s more, apart from PayPal money, most of these games come with other rewards such as gift cards for online and offline retailers.

Granted, earning from some of the free games in this post may involve having to engage with sponsor’s ads. However, for the others, you have to stake a little of your money and battle it out with other games for contest prizes.

So, do you enjoy playing games on your smartphone? Here are the best games that pay real cash.

Let’s dive right in…


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15 Games Apps That Pay Instantly to PayPal

1. FeaturePoints

FetaurePoints lets you earn money by playing games, alongside other activities like watching videos, referring new users, taking surveys, and shopping online. It’s one of the fastest paying apps in this list of games apps that pay instantly to PayPal.

I love this website because, other than PayPal, you get a ton of other choices for cashing out including gift cards, Bitcoin, quick picks, and credits towards games. Payment is made within a few hours of completing your objectives.

Once you sign up, you can earn free points through a friend’s referral code. The app is available on both Google Play and App Store. Users who’ve used this app gave it over 4.0/5 ratings on the two app sites, with the website having already rewarded $5.8+ million since 2012.

2. AppKarma

Having received a 4.2-star rating on Google Play from 300,000+ reviews, appKarma is quite a popular app. You get to earn rewards by playing games from their list of gaming apps.

Games That Pay Real Cash Through Paypal Without

Once you complete any of their objectives you get to choose whether to receive your money via PayPal or gift cards from Amazon, Walmart, Target, Google Play, iTunes, Xbox Live, Playstation, Starbucks, just to name a few.

And you can earn in other ways besides playing games, like taking quizzes, referrals, and achievement badges. Once you refer a new member you get to earn 30% of the amount your friend earns from installation offers available. What’s more, the app is completely free.

3. Make Money

One of the most popular apps on Google Play, Make Money has a 4.8-star rating from over 500, 000 reviews. This proves that it’s definitely legit and most users are content with it. It’s one of my favorite PayPal games for money where you get paid for playing their suggested gaming apps.

However, if playing online games for rewards isn’t your thing, you can earn by taking surveys, watching videos, and referral bonuses by inviting your friends. Every credit here is worth real money sent directly to your account. With this app, there is no flimsy gift cards just pure cash through your PayPal account.

4. Wealth Words

Would you like to sharpen your mind with crossword puzzles? If so, go ahead and sign up on WealthWords. This website provides an unlimited online crossword game that will keep your mind engaged at all times and some cash on top. Incredible!

After signing up, all you have to do next is be accurate when solving the puzzles in order to stand a chance of being rewarded. With winning comes instant pay which is done through PayPal.

Choose your level- beginner, intermediate or advanced- and earn up to $10,000 for a puzzle with a word count of 40. Generally, jackpot games offer a bigger prize. Alternatively, players buy tokens for more game choices with each token going for $0.25. This app is available for both Android and iOS users.

5. CashPirate Buzz

Want to put that Android phone of yours into proper monetary use? Well… CashPirate is just the way to go. From playing games for money and taking up online surveys to referring your friends to the app, and even participating in quick picks, you get to earn real cash.

Once you sign up, You’ll get your unique referral code. Share the code with your friends for a chance to make 10% of your friends’ earnings. This app is only available to Android users.

6. GiftPanda

GiftPanda is a games app from the developers of CashCrate. The app also offers players an incentive of 10% of the earnings that your referral buddies make.

Additionally, if your referral invites another of his/her friend, you earn 5% of their earnings as well. As such, there is no limit to how much you can earn using this app. Payment can be sent direct to your PayPal account or paid in Bitcoins, Visa, or Mastercard.

Make money by playing the available games, taking part in surveys and quizzes, and ultimately making referrals. With a rating of 4.7 and over 300,000 reviews, GiftPanda is certainly legitimate. Why not sign up and start earning today!

7. CashOut

CashOut tops my chart as one of the best games that users love playing. This app has about 5000+ installs with a rating of 4.0 from reviews on Google Play. Top earners from around the globe have cashed out more than $200,000.

You get to earn real cash by playing mobile games but you can also opt for gift cards from Amazon, Apple iTunes, and Walmart. The amount you earn is in the form of coins that are redeemable to your PayPal account. To start earning, simply install CashOut, sign up, complete tasks, and finally claim your rewards.

This amount depends on the task you take with the lowest paying about $0.5 and the highest rewarding you as much as $20. To enhance your earnings, you can also take part in surveys and watch videos. You get to earn free coins for daily check-ins regardless of whether you complete a task or not.

8. Bubble Shooter Pro

As the name suggests, this is a bubble shooting game that you can earn from. It may sound like a simple game, but it’s really fun and addictive. The best part is you can make a little fortune from it.

All that’s required is to match 3 bubbles of the same color, making them burst, which is later translated into points. The more bubbles you manage to remove (burst), the more points you earn.

You can play this game either online or offline, depending on your preference. But for your points to be recorded and be translated into real money, you have to go online. If you believe you are good at it, challenge yourself with bubble shooter pro mode with more than 490 levels!

9. Spin to Win

In this game, you simply spin a wheel for a chance to win some real money. In other words, you can call it ‘spin to earn coins’. It’s a highly rated gaming app, scoring a 4.8-star rating from 4,000+ reviews.

If you find spinning this wheel a bit monotonous, there are other ways to earn money from the app, including scratch cards and machine game combinations. Sign up gets you 30 chances to start growing your cash, that’s 10 spins on the spin wheel, 10 scratch coupons on scratch cards, and 10 spins on the match machine.

Unlike other gaming apps, Spin to Win doesn’t collect user data that is normally sold to other third-party apps for promotion purposes. Download this game today and spin to earn money and get paid through PayPal.

10. MooCash

MooCash is another legit games app that pays instantly to PayPal. The app allows you to make money for not just playing.

As such, you can also earn by taking surveys, sharing apps and games with friends, and watching videos. These offers pop up on your lock screen, just swipe to participate and make real money. Pretty easy, right?

With this app, you can earn up to $5 or more in a day. However, MooCash has put a limit on the minimum amount you must hit to be able to withdraw- $2 or $5 depending on where you are making money from. This amount is paid via PayPal, bank transfer, prepaid recharge, or free talk time.

It takes a little bit of time to get your money, about 7 days, which is a major downside for MooCash. If you like this app, you can upgrade to MooCash+ that rewards you with 150 free coins instantly, amongst other offers. This app is available for free on Google Play and App Store.

11. Solitaire Cube

Do you love stacking cards? Solitaire Cube is almost identical to Microsoft’s spider solitaire where you stack up cards, sorting them by their suits in piles. Yeah, it’s that simple. And you get to earn real cash for doing this.

How do you earn exactly? By enrolling and competing in head-to-head competitions and tournaments where you get to earn real cash prizes.

To enter such tournaments, you have to deposit some money and play against other real players. Whoever gets the most points at the end of it is the winner. Rewards are deposited to your PayPal account

What I like about this app is that you won’t get annoying video ads. It’s a seamless experience with smooth controls and animations. However, unlike other online games platforms that allow kids to earn, with Solitaire Cube you have to be above 17 years to play.

You can download it from the App Store or Play Store.

What Games Pay the Most Money?

Without a doubt, casino games pay more money compared to other PayPal games that pay cash. The reason being, the stakes are high and the pool of players is made up of serious gamers. If you are looking for a big payday, then these are the kind of apps you should target.

But be warned, the higher the expected win, the more cash you can lose.

With that in mind, I have also included games such as Mistplay that pay you by the minute. Such platforms are especially good for beginners since they help you earn as you sharpen your gaming skills.

12. Bitstartz Casino

Are you a fan of casino games? Bitstartz casino is one of the apps that pay users real money to play games. You can even place bets if you are a gambler, with this casino accepting bitcoins among other currencies.

This online casino is available on the internet in both PC and Mobile versions. There are tons of cash games to be played on this platform and earn real money from- that’s 2900+ casino games. It currently has more than 2.7 million registered players worldwide.

Once you win, you can cash out within 10 minutes with this online casino offering a variety of payment methods including bitcoins, credit cards, web money, among others. The good thing about casino games is that there is no limit to how much you earn.

Top winners make more than $2 million from casino games and $5 million from jackpots yearly This makes Bitstartz Casino one of the top games that pay the most.

13. Mistplay

If you spend too much time playing games, Mistplay is just the perfect fit for you. With this app, the longer you play, the more you get to earn. Every 2-10 minutes playing session is worth a cash reward of about $0.66. To withdraw though, you must hit a minimum of $5. Typically, games on the app earn about $2-$5 per hour.

Free games that pay real money through paypal

On accumulating the within, which takes just a few hours, your money is emailed to you as a gift card in less than 48 hours. You can redeem your units for awesome rewards including Amazon, Google Play gift cards, Visa, and more. Mistplay also has a variety of games for you to choose from and a grand prize worth $400, launched every week.

Mistplay is a fun way to earn since you can compete against your friends and unlock achievement badges every time you unlock new missions. That’s not all, every badge grants you more units to spend on rewards. This app is, however, only available to Android users.

14. Long Game

Online Game That Pays Money

Are you wondering what apps pay you real money to play games? And not just real cash, but the money that is insured?

Long Game is one of the gaming apps that not only reward you but also ensures the safety of your earnings. Basically, it’s a ‘gamified’ savings account where you deposit money in your account, and in return, you are rewarded with coins. From there, you can use these coins to play online games.

You might be wondering how you get to earn. Right? By playing these games, you get cash rewards. If you doubt the credibility of this app, you’ll be satisfied to know that Long Game gives you a 30-day free trial provided you are using Direct Deposit. Most importantly, your money is FDIC-insured.

Games that pay real cash through paypal online

There is no limit to how much you get to earn on Long Game with daily payouts ranging from $1000 to $1 million+. This app is available to mobile users on Google Play and the App Store.

Sign up today to earn real cash from playing games.

15. World Winner

How does playing against people with your skill level for real cash prizes? That’s just one of the advantages of trying your gaming prowess on the World Winner app and website.

To begin with, this platform is owned by the Game Show Network (GSN), a company of Sony Pictures Entertainments. Simply put, this is one of the most legit apps to earn money playing games.

Games on the app include Bingo Cash, GSN Casino, and Wheel of Fortune. Over 100,000 contests take place on the platform with prizes on the line amounting to $250K, daily. The best part is that, before you leverage your skills, the app offers free tournaments for newbies to practice on.

Also, GSN limits the amount of money you can lose in a year, and once you hit the limit, your account is restricted until the next year. This helps you to play within your means.

Games That Pay Real Cash Through Paypal

Additionally, apart from playing games, you can make money through their referral program. For every successful referral, you earn $25 plus promotional merchandise from world-class brands.

You get your winnings through PayPal or a credit card. To date, the platform has paid members or $1.5 billion in cash prizes!

The Bottom-line

While there are many apps that offer PayPal games for real money, the trick is knowing the legit ones from the scams.

I have done the leg work for you and presented you with the above legit games apps with the best prizes in the industry. Further, these are apps that will occupy your free time with fun-filled adventures and adrenaline.

Real Cash Chase

However, it’s worth noting that for any app that promises money, it’s upon you to understand the ins and outs of the offer. As such, always go through the terms and conditions before signing up. Also, check out online reviews to understand what current and former users say about the app.

So, which of the game apps interest you the most? Is there an app that pays higher that needs to be on this list? Let me know all about it in the comments and don’t forget to install these apps that reward you for unlocking your phone.